The Reversal of Gainz!

The Reversal of Gainz!

The Reversal of Gainz!

Monday, September 23rd:

* Activations
* Reverse hypers
* Belt squat set every of 8 30 sec for 10 min
* KB dealifts set of 5every 30 seconds for 5 mins
* Double KB set of 1 every 30 second for 5 mins
* Prowler light heavy two laps


Tuesday, September 24th:

* Activations
* Prowler 4 laps light


Wednesday, September 25th:

* Activations
* Ab work-pulldowns and fallouts
* Incline half press 5×5. This is about all my shoulder will let happen. Although putting on the ForeArmor straps made it easier to deal with on the descent. Normally, lefty bicep tendon and elbow shut down this movement earlier but the wraps gave me some help even it they are shitty presses.
* Pushup with flye at bottom of suspension straps. Counted off 5 inhale and exhales for about 15 to 20 reps per set. Couple of burnout sets after of straight pushups
* One arm rope standing row. About 8 sets x 8.


Usually I train at 6 o’clock am with no one in the gym at except one or two people so equipment access is no problem. I purposefully avoid interrupting other peoples’ training. If something is being used, I find something else. Most gym members have very OCD routines that can’t change. This morning’s same ole same ole was the 150 lb small fellow. He has a lot of issues and his training is painful to watch sometimes. I do try to give him credit for at least continuing to work out and I guess what he is doing is working. However, with every year that passes this guys ROM gets worse and each exercise gets shorter and shorter. There are actually two of them that train around the same time each morning and both guys look like they are having seizures just trying to hold on. Again, I commend the tenacity to keep training but wow it is awful looking. Long story short, I walk away a bit and look back and he has taken over and is doing the worst curl shrug I can see with the lower cable crossover handles. Looked more like he was just saying the “I don’t know” shrug. What are you gonna do, rubber neck of course.

* Prowler 2 laps almost medium heavy. One lap no weight, one walk


Thursday, September 26th:

Just Prowler at three laps light. Had a regular check up with GP. He sorta gave me some shit for not taking my statin for high cholesterol. I understand it is very helpful but each time I try it, I always begin to feel like crap. We have switched brands and dosing a couple of times but it comes back to the same crap. My cholesterol had been hovering in the low 200s for years and recently it has jump up to 283 which got me thinking that it might be related to the chemo drugs since my kidney function has continued to be on the high side. . I searched a little but could not find anything to collaborate this. Being on TRT, I understand the risk factors. I keep a close eye on things including my estrogen which I expected to be fairly low with Arimidex as well but the estrogen was very low, too low. You have to have the balance in the equation with your test levels up and enough estrogen to keep the blood vessels pliable and not be too stiff. So I will have to back off the arimidex and see if my estrogen comes back up some or if further investigation is needed. One of the things with the loss of a percentage of my taste buds is that I have been eating crappy so I will also rein that in and go back to low carb for more of the week and less blow outs. That has helped me in the past drop cholesterol about 40 points. My chemistry has changed since the chemo and radiation. In the past, fatty fat was easy along with putting on the muscle and strength. Currently muscle and strength are not as easy to come by and the fatty fat is slow. It is still a converse relationship, just the complete opposite direction so hence the gobble gobble till ya wobble wobble eating. I can’t lie, I enjoy the lower BF (for all you ass douches I don’t mean LEEEANNN like 10% or some BS less so keep your commently gossip to your own), all the available abs, obliques, coastals etc are easy to see in da mirror. Nothing more, nothing less. Never had that as a fat kid and semi soft young adult so that makes me happy. Controlling myself started yesterday so yea for me!


Friday, September 27th:

* Activations with side plank/bird dogs 3 rounds each
* Reverse Hypers 3 prex12, 2 postx15
* One leg press tempo 5 reps, hold 5 sec, x 3 rounds each set x 5 total sets
* Two hand swings 62lb 25 repsx10 rounds , 30 second off
* Prowler, three laps, alittle different twist with no weight for a lap no stops, 25lb for a lap with 3 stops, 45lb for a lap with 30 sec push off 10


Saturday, September 28th:

* Prowler three laps , two with a 45lb and one no weight. Still going the opposite way but it is getting easier now. Well, I got a groove sometimes.
* Gonna work on some activations later today. Probably should have done it early but the day just went that way.


— end the article —

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